Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. It’s about a domain and host finding project. I will send out more information after the tutor is assigned.

First, yes, you must provide at least 5 different hosts, more is better. But 5 is the minimum. If the host offers both Linux and Windows hosting, you must look at both.

Second, you need to be as absolutely technical as possible in filling out the spreadsheet. This means that I do not want to know that they support PHP. I want to know what version of PHP they offer. i.e They have PHP5, but do they also offer 5.2, 5.4, or 7.0? I need every possible cell filled with as much detail as possible.

Third, for many of these websites you may actually have to call them to get the information. You should not create an account just to find out their offerings. If that is required, we like to call those shams. Drop them and move on to real (or respected) companies. These companies have toll-free support lines. Call them and find out. Do not just rely on the website. Any company worth its salt will let you know these specifications. If you are unable to get all of the specifications within a given column, then you probably should remove the company from your list anyway because they are not a viable option. Or it should at least be a company I would not be willing to risk my money with.

Programming Homework Help

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