Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Web Development Homework zip file

Things that needs to be adjusted to the website:

  • Work on a navigation menu. Also, how does your calculation relevant to your site?
  • Web security has no links to summary content.

Things that’s needs to be done on the website:

6- Case Project


Add validation the code for one of the forms on your individual website. First, ensure that your form uses at least three of the following field types: check boxes, text boxes, option buttons, selection lists, and text areas. Then, program validation for your form ensuring that users enter values or make selections in all fields, and verifying at least one other aspect of at least one of the fields. Provide appropriate feedback to users when the form fails validation. Test your completed program until all validation works reliably with different combinations of valid and erroneous data.


7-Case Project


Expand your individual website to include a page that calculates the time elapsed since a date entered by a user. The page should include a form that allows users to enter a day, month, and year. The page should then calculate and display the elapsed time in years, months, and days. Note that your program must include code to convert day values in excess of into months, and months in excess of into years.

Programming Homework Help

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