Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. create tables in database – java/ MySQL

Assignment Instructions

Complete the following steps for this assignment:

  1. Create a MySQL script that creates the tables in the database with the appropriate primary and foreign keys.
  2. Your script must add data into the database tables. Every table must be loaded with at least two rows of data.
  3. Create screen captures showing the creation and contents of each table.
  4. Check and implement the database connectivity using JDBC.
  5. Check and implement exception handling for the database connectivity.
  6. Implement the Log-in action in your CapestraApp project, checking for the specified username and pass-word in the database and reporting a successful or unsuccessful log-in.
  7. Run your CapestraApp program and do screen captures of both successful and unsuccessful log-in attempts.
    • Do not capture your entire desktop—just capture the individual screens.
    • Paste all screen shots into a single MS Word document.
    • Your name should appear at the top of the MS Word document.
    • Name your document, following this pattern: LastName_Week5.docx.
  8. Create a .zip file containing your MySQL script file, your MS Word document, and a .zip of your CapestraApp project.
    • Rename your .zip file, following this pattern:



To integrate the functionality between the database and the application, you need to create the connection using JDBC. The JDBC API allows Java to connect to MySQL 5.7 using the MySQL Driver on any platform. The JDBC API allows Java to connect to the database, create and execute queries, and view and modify resulting records. Be sure to view the videos to guide you through the database creation and connection. You will need to create a MySQL script to create the ‘orderentrysystem’ database used by the CapestraApp application. The script must not only create all appropriate tables but also must load some sample data into each table. Note that just creating the database within MySQL Workbench does not satisfy the requirements of this assignment—you must create the database using a MySQL script file.

This week’s assignment also includes a small programming assignment: You will create the semantics behind your revised Log-in scene. Currently your Log-in scene only provides the employee with a field for entering a username. Checking the SRS, you will see that the Log-in scene must provide for both a username and a pass-word. A successful log-in takes place only if both are provided to the system and they match what is in the orderentrysystem Employee table. You need to modify the Log-in scene to provide for a correctly functioning pass-word field, as well as using MySQL to determine whether the username-passwor-d combination matches an employee in the database. If a match is found, an appropriate message (including the employee’s first name, last name, and employee ID) should be displayed to the user. If no match is found, an appropriate message should be displayed.

In this assignment, you will create the database tables in MySQL 5.7 for the CapestraApp application. In addition, you will create and check the functionality to connect to the database from the application through a connector using JDBC. Use CapestraApp code provided to check that the database connection is correctly implemented. You need to ensure that exception handling is done correctly in case the database does not exist or if the connection fails.

Check the SRS to see precisely what the Log-in action must do. Examine what is implemented in the CapestraApp template code to see what it does and how it does it. You’ll need to think about how to modify the existing code to meet the SRS requirements.

Programming Homework Help

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