Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Fix the navigation bar, Website Design homework help

1.  Fix the navigation bar.  The text links in the navigation bar are too high, please make them a little lower so they are not touching the top of the page.  Also, please make the style of the navigation bar look better in appearance.

2.  Put the site logo image somewhere in the top section, where it says “Welcome to this site”.  Make sure it is in a good spot, also make the logo smaller than the title text so that it will look good.  The site logo image is in the file attached, it is in the Images folder and is called “missaLogo”.

3.  Get rid of the white spaces above the titles of each section

4.  Make the titles and text of each section look similar to this website:

Make sure they are underlined as well, just like in the website.

5.  Add a downwards arrow on the bottom of the top section (there’s an arrow image in the file attached, you can use that one).  Then add javascript, so that when the user clicks on the arrow, it will move to the next section.  I want it to be like this website:

Programming Homework Help

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