Political Science Homework Help

As we think about how we develop our political opinions it’s important to know and understand our values and where we formed our values. Please do the values sort at The Good Project from Harvard http

As we think about how we develop our political opinions it’s important to know and understand our values and where we formed our values.

Please do the values sort at The Good Project from Harvard https://harvard.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e35whN7tkXtvlHv , and answer the following questions:

  1. What were your 4 most important values?
  2. What were you 4 least important values?
  3. While growing up, what values were you taught? Who taught you? How?
  4. While growing up, what messages did you receive about right & wrong? Who taught you? How?
  5. What values do you hold and practice today that you learned on your own?
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