Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Draft a Proposal to Improve the Human Resource Management of Your Company

Your manager has asked you to draft a proposal for improving the management of human resources in your company.

Resource: Ch. 13 of Introduction to Business

Describe the best ideas for improvement presented in the brainstorm session from the human resource improvement Discussion Question. 

Brainstorm session.docx 

Select the best ideas from at least two of the different areas discussed. What are the different ways that changes to these areas would affect a business?

Explain your answer
in a 200- to 300-word essay; please include an introduction and conclusion and following APA guidelines


Here is the referance for the above Chapter:

Jones, G. R. (2007). Introduction to business: How companies create value for people. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Other Homework Help

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