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Other Homework Help. COUNS 12 Santa Monica College Lawyer Career Path Paper & Presentation

Objectives of the Assignment

  • Utilize online career resources to make an informed decision about your career by learning about the details of the occupation.
  • Compare the attributes of that occupation with your personality, values, interests, and skills.
  • Create a set of strategies beyond Counseling 12

Think of all you have accomplished!  You have completed multiple self-exploration activities, researched careers, completed an Informational Interview, and thought critically about your future!! All of you are now better equipped with the knowledge, tools, and confidence, to pick your path and be successful on your journey.

This final will ask you to reflect on your growth, both personally and professionally, in the areas of Self Exploration and Career Exploration & Preparation.

Research a Career

Through the career assessments, you have been provided a list of careers. For this assignment, you are going to select one career to research. Keep in mind this career does not have to be the same one from your informational interview. You are going to utilize the websites listed below and read each website carefully.

Each website has a different purpose so take a moment to review the items below:  

  • General description of the occupation
  • Education requirements
  • Job outlook
  • Skills
  • Work Values
  • Work environment
  • Pay
  • Professional organizations
  • Related occupations, and any other relevant information.

Listed below are 3 websites you are going to visit and research one Career. It is important you spend 5-10 minutes reading carefully and reflecting on your own skills, values, interests, and personality.  You may want to have your results with you and notes. 

  1. https://www.onetonline.org/(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 
  2. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ( Occupational Outlook Handbook)
  3. https://www.cacareerzone.org/(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (California Career Zone)

Budget Portion

Now you are going to complete a budget activity to determine how much money you will need. Try to think about where you will be in 5 years and how you want your lifestyle to be.

Part 1: Written Portion ( 60 points)

Write a 1.5 to 2-page paper with .5-inch margins and 12 size font. Include the headers listed below and respond in paragraph format to the questions.


Review the “where are you now” pre-and post-assignments you submitted. Did your overall points increase if so in what areas?  Which of the activities helped facilitate your growth in these areas? What, specifically, did you learn about yourself from the activities?

Body of Paper 

Now that you have researched a career and completed four career assessments. You are going to write a reflection on the following:

  • What is your initial reaction to the career field after your research?
  • What appealed to you about the field? What didn’t appeal to you? List the pros and cons.
  • What skills, knowledge, or experience will you need to be competitive for entry in this field? Are you interested enough in the field to develop these skills or knowledge?
  • How much adapting will be necessary for you to be satisfied in this career area? No career is a perfect match, but are the less desirable components minimal?
  • What areas of your personality work well in this career option? (Review pages 18-20 for more information about the heart of type)
  • Describe areas of your personality that might be incongruent with this option. 
  • Describe the areas of interest that are included in the career option you selected (pg. 3 of Strong assessment)
  • Will each of your top “Always Valued” values be satisfied in your career option?
  • Review your “Least Valued” values. Does your career require any of these values? If yes, what are your thoughts on this?
  • What are some ways you can work towards your developmental goals (Those skills that you want to do the majority of the time, but aren’t that good at yet?)
  • Review the Career Development process presented to you in the first week. In which phase are you in? 
  • What is a step you can take to move into the next phase? 
  • Analyze what you learned about yourself in regards to making a decision about your future career and major. 

Don’t only list your results but look for patterns, job activities, salary, technology, etc. You may want to go back and review what you wrote for career thoughts 1-5. In order to receive full credit, you want to talk about each and provide specific details and even provide examples.

Budget Activity (Insert your results here)

Look at your pie chart, where did your money go? Did the salary align with the annual income? Will this impact your decision on the career? 


Now that you reviewed this career and how it connects to you as a person. In your conclusion reflect on how your views about majors/careers AND your own future changed throughout this class?  Do you think you will pursue the career you researched for this paper? Why or why not?

Part 2: Visual (40 points)

Create a visual that includes the following: 

top 8 career values  & themes of your career values

Motivated skills

Strong Results & hobbies 

MBTI results and key descriptors to connect with. 

I encourage you to be creative with the visualization you can use PPT, Prezi, Collage, etc. You are going to share this visual in a final class discussion listed in week 7. Be prepared to share the following in the response: 

  1. Share visually or with words 2-3 actions you are going to take towards your career management (For example, informational interviews, volunteer, job shadow, internship, find a mentor, network, etc.). How did you determine these to be your next steps? 
  2. As you complete this course, what are you most surprised by, what are you most excited about, and what do you see as your next steps in your own journey?

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