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RE: Discussion – Week 2


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Emerging Trends Affecting Health Care

There are many emerging trends in healthcare today. A major one is Medicare and Medicaid attempting to make the system more cost effective. According to CMS, one method is the creation of a bundled payment methodology. The bundled model combines payments for physician, hospitals, and other health care provider services into a single bundled payment amount, which is calculated based on the number of care encounters. It is the hope that services will be provided more efficiently with an increased quality quotient. There is also a reward/punishment system of sorts. If the provider successfully manages resources, they would see a benefit gain. Conversely, there would be a financial loss/penalty for failure to manage care as instructed. According to Hutchinson, the best health plan solutions are those that can connect healthcare users with the best healthcare available.

Another trend is the increased use of smart technology. Smart tech saves time by allowing patients to fill out pre-registration forms without utilizing human resources. Providers and nurses are able to then operate on a more patient-centered level. Smartphone apps have been created that allow patients to access their medical record on-demand, no matter where they are. An example of this is NYU Langone’s MyChart.

Lastly, the trend of nursing shared governance has quickly gained momentum throughout the last decade. Nurses gathering in organized groups to implement evidence-based practice on everyday patient care leads to increased patient and staff satisfaction, as well as improved interdisciplinary teamwork.

Impact on Health Care Delivery

Healthcare professionals nationwide are challenged by justifying the cost of care. Pitfalls like unnecessary laboratory tests and medication errors increased overall cost. According to Studer, one must examine the costs versus the benefits of a given action in order to truly observe the impact of current trends on the practice environment. In order to be true managers, nurse leaders must strive for both clinical and financial awareness and competencies.


Studer, Q. (2010). Do your nurses speak finance? Healthcare Financial Management: Journal Of The Healthcare Financial Management Association, 64(6), 80-84. Retrieved from https://web-b-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org…

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2019). BPCI Advanced. Retrieved from https://innovation.cms.gov/initiatives/bpci-advanced

Hutchinson, A., Young, T. A., Cooper, K. L., McIntosh, A., Karnon, J. D., Scobie, S., & Thomson, R. G. (2009). Trends in healthcare system.

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