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Other Homework Help. Research Memo Assignment

Research Memo Assignment

Please use the links below to access the Tax Research Problem documents:

This is information regarding a research memo that may be useful in completing the assignment.

The following information regarding a research memo is included in the syllabus and may be useful in completing the assignment.

Research Memo:
You will be assigned a tax question to research and write a memo of your analysis and conclusion. This assignment is to be submitted using a Turnitin dropbox found in the Blackboard shell for this course. Given the importance of writing skills in today’s business environment, written assignments will be subject to rigorous evaluation. The writing assignments will be graded based on grammar, style of writing, logical development of ideas, critical thinking skills, and technical accuracy of the analysis and conclusions, using a rubric which will be found along with the assignment. Examples of file memoranda can be found at the M. Tx. Writing Website located at M. Tx. Writing Website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Assignments will be evaluated on:

  • Completion of assigned task (instructions)
  • Quality of content and research
  • Presentation of material

Originality (any memo receiving a Turnitin score higher than 20-25% will be considered plagiarized and earn a grade of 0)

Examples of primary authority can be found in: PRIMARY AUTHORITY.pdf

In order to access the FIU Library page for this course use the following link FIU Library. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Click on the search bar on the upper left hand section of the home page to find RIA Checkpoint or CCH Intelliconnect to conduct your research.

The following file can be used as an example of the proper format for the preparation of a tax research memo:

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