Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. write two assignments in different papers both 1&2 and follow apa and provide reference no plagiarism pls


  • Use R/RStudio to generate a word document with basic data analysis of the following dataset: dataset_price_personal_computers.csv
    • Use the following video to learn the simple commands to conduct basic data analysis with R/RStudio Part 1: As per attached below.
    • Use the following video to learn the simple commands to conduct basic data analysis with R/RStudio Part 2: As per attached below.


  • Create a summary of stats for the dataset. (provide a screenshot)
  • Create a correlation of stats for the dataset. (provide a screenshot) (Hint: Transform may be needed)
  • What is the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the Price? (provide a screenshot)
  • What is the correlation values between Price, Ram, and Ads? (provide a screenshot)
  • Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, CD, and Premium. (provide a screenshot)
  • Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, HD, and Ram where Price is greater than or equal to $1750. (provide a screenshot)
  • What percentage of Premium computers were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Categorical analysis)
  • How many Premium computers with CDs were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Contingency table analysis)
  • How many Premium computers with CDs priced over $2000 were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Conditional table analysis)

Your document should be an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.

Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

2)Hello Class! Please respond to BOTH of the following questions:


  • In your own words explain the concept of “Defense in Depth”.


Each week, research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Post a summary of what you learned to the discussion thread, please also provide a link to the original article. Source is your choice; however please fully cite your source.

Other Homework Help

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