Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. I need to work on my statistic assignment within 2 hours!

List the independent variable(s), dependent variable(s) for each scenario. What is the appropriate statistical test to analyze the result for each scenario (e.g. independent sample t test, ANOVA, paired sample t test, repeated measures)? (Multiple tests may be possible for some scenarios. You only need to name one test) (20 points)

Is there difference in the length of the passwords for email accounts, online financial accounts, and entertainment accounts between Americans and Australians?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the text entry rate between left-handed users and right-handed users?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the review ratings made by e-commerce customers in spring, summer, fall, and winter?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the number of targets hit per minute when playing a game between novice players, intermediate players, and expert players?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

List all possible experimental designs (e.g. between group, within group, split plot) to examine the following research question. Illustrate each design through a table. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each design. (20 points)

“Is there difference in the target selection speed between computer mouse, trackball, and joystick when selecting static targets and moving targets?”

Analyze the following dataset using SPSS. Write down the specific test you run, explain why you choose to use that test, copy and paste the test result table generated by SPSS to the exam, report the test result using the standard statement. (20 points)

“A researcher is studying social media usage by high school students. The researcher recruited 16 high school freshmen and 16 high school seniors. He documented the number of hours each student spent on social media platforms in a period of 7 days. The data is listed below. Each number represents the number of hours a student in the specific group spent on social media platforms during the 7-day period. Is there a difference in the time spent on social media between the high school freshmen and the high school seniors?

Freshmen group: 11, 15, 4, 7, 20, 9, 7, 6, 14, 5, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 6

Senior group: 9, 12, 17, 7, 15, 21, 13, 18, 24, 6, 16, 10, 8, 19, 11, 14”

Mathematics Homework Help

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