Management Homework Help

For this discussion forum, identify an organization that has outsourced operations to a foreign company. Present a brief description of the subject organization’s mission. Address the following questi

For this discussion forum, identify an organization that has outsourced operations to a foreign company. Present a brief description of the subject organization’s mission.

Address the following questions in your discussion board post:

  1. From a systems viewpoint, what are some of the environmental (ecological and/or societal) issues involved in the outsourcing decision?
  2. Does the company have an ethical and/or corporate social responsibility to factor into its outsourcing decision? Explain your reasoning.
  3. How did they manage the project to outsource and were they successful in making this change?
  4. What are some product or service quality dimensions of this decision?

A substantive initial post addresses all the key topic elements using approximately 200-300 words. Incorporate into your discussion commentary at least three recent scholarly references and citation support according to proper CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)standards.

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