Literature Homework Help

Step 1: Read John Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity.” Puritan leader John Winthrop’s description of American as a “ A City Upon a Hill A City Upon a Hill – Alternative Formats ” contributed to

Step 1: Read John Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity.”  Puritan leader John Winthrop’s description of American as a “ A City Upon a Hill A City Upon a Hill – Alternative Formats

” contributed to the idea of American exceptionalism. The phrase has been recycled by several politicians, most notably John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. 

Step 2: Click on the two blue links to listen to the speeches from Former President John F. Kennedy and Former President Ronald Reagan.

**Pay careful attention to how they make use of the “city upon a hill” phrase. 

Step 3:  Write a 150-250-word paragraph discussing how each speaker they interpreted the phrase “city upon a hill?” Are their interpretations similar to or different from Winthrop’s interpretation?  Also, consider when the phrase was used, Kennedy used the phrase when entering office, and Reagan used the phrase as a farewell when leaving office.  Is there a significant to this strategy?

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