Law Homework Help

Part 1 When you think of old people, discuss what comes to mind? Where do you think these ideas came from? How might your ideas of older adults be based off of ageist stereotypes?Erikson says that mid

Part 1

  • When you think of old people, discuss what comes to mind? Where do you think these ideas came from? How might your ideas of older adults be based off of ageist stereotypes?
  • Erikson says that middle-aged and older people go through their last stages of life called generativity vs. stagnation and then (ego) integrity vs. despair. Talk about, in your own words, the difference between these two stages. Then, discuss people you know who are in these stages. How are they experiencing their respective stages?
  • What are the stages of dying and how do you think culture will influence these stages?

250 words

Part 2

-What are the advantages of a proactive approach to prison administration?

500 words, double spaced 


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