Law Homework Help

Part 1 These are the materials you will need for this course. · Walker, Samuel & Katz, Charles,The Police In America, An Introduction, 9thEdition, McGraw Hill 1. How exactly is the guardian mentality

Part 1

These are the materials you will need for this course.

· Walker, Samuel & Katz, Charles,The Police In America, An Introduction, 9thEdition, McGraw Hill

1. How exactly is the guardian mentality likely to improve the quality of policing? Are there any dangers involved in this approach?

2. Discuss why scenario-based training is likely to be more effective even than good, detailed lectures, where recruits have an opportunity to ask questions about situations and tactics.

Part 2

The book for this course isCriminal-Law-OER.pdf

Chapter 6

1. Describe the requirements of the M’Naghten Defense and the Substantial Capacity Test.What famous, historical cases were involved the use of each test? What is/are the primary difference(s) between the two tests?

2. Describe what happens to a person who is found to be legally insane during a criminal hearing? Do they go to jail? Treatment? Explain.

Chapter 7

1. Describe each of the different “parties to crimes” under early common law. How are “parties to crimes” used today under most state and federal statutes?

2. 1. Explain the concept of vicarious liability? Is vicarious liability the same as accomplice liability? Explain.

Part 3

These are the materials you will need for this course:

· Swanson, C., Chamelin, N., Territo, L., & Taylor, R.Criminal Investigation, 11th Edition, McGraw-Hill

Answer the chapter questions listed below. List the number of the questions when responding and write in complete sentences.

1. Nonfelonious homicide is broken into two parts, Justifiable or excusable. What are the differences between the two?

2. How can the stomach contents of the deceased help an investigator?

3. What is autoerotic death and what is the primary cause of death?

Part 4

These are the materials you will need for this course:

· Samaha, J.Criminal Procedure, 10th, Cengage.

Chapter 11 -Dwares v. City of New York

1. List all the facts relevant to deciding whether NYPD officers allowed Kreitman to beat Steven Dwares.

2. Summarize the Court’s arguments applying the state-created-danger rule to the facts of this case.

3. Do you believe it should be the federal courts’ “business” to decide when police officers are liable when private people beat up other individuals? If you do, who should make these decisions? State courts? Legislatures? Special panels of experts? Explain your answer.

Chapter 12 -Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzalez

1. Summarize the majority opinion’s arguments supporting its conclusion that Gonzalez has no constitutional right to have the Castle Rock police enforce the restraining order against her husband.

2. Summarize the dissent’s arguments supporting its conclusion that Gonzalez does have a constitutional

3. right to have the Castle Rock police enforce the restraining order against her husband.

4. Do you think the Colorado “mandatory” enforcement statute intended to take away the Castle Rock Police Department’s discretion in enforcing the restraining order? Defend your answer.

5. How important is it that Colorado was one of a number of states enacting mandatory enforcement of restraining orders in domestic abuse cases because of the widespread nonenforcement of restraining orders in domestic violence cases?

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