Law Homework Help

Activity 1.9 Q1 must have two (2) answers Janice works at XYZ Health Clinic. On Friday, Mrs Watson says at the end of the consultation that she can’t pay that day. Janice tells her that it’s not a

Activity 1.9  Q1 must have two (2) answers

Janice works at XYZ Health Clinic. On Friday, Mrs Watson says at the end of the consultation that she can’t pay that day. Janice tells her that it’s not a problem, she can pay the next day if she wants. At the end of the day Janice only has one form to send to Medicare, so she decides to post it the next day.

1.     Has Janice followed the appropriate procedure? Explain your response 

2.     What should Janice have done differently in this situation? 

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