Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Police TechnologyWrite a 500-750 word APA- styled paper that discusses how current technology is used by law enforcement in carrying out their duties and provide examples of new technology to include

Police TechnologyWrite a 500-750 word APA- styled paper that discusses how current technology is used by law enforcement in carrying out their duties and provide examples of new technology to include body cameras. How have these new technologies changed the way police do business? What are some of the issues / concerns this new technology brings with it? Include in your assignment the issues of transparency, accountability, and right to privacy in the use of police body cameras. Support your argument with at least two outside references.Be sure to cite your resource(s).Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement. You may use your textbook and other outside sources as needed. View your assignment rubric.

Law Homework Help

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