Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Harvard University Criminal Justice in Correctional Facilities Discussion

Read the two situations then answer the question after each one of them.

Situation One

Corrections officers at the main gate receive a report that a fight involving twelve prisoners has broken out in Cellblock C and that the corrections officers in Cellblock C are unable to break up the fight. Seven corrections officers run down the corridor from the main gate toward Cellblock C. As they round the corner, they practically run into an inmate who is mopping and waxing the corridor floor. One officer grabs the inmate by the shoulders and throws him aside while saying “Get out of the way!” the inmate falls into a wall, dislocates his shoulder, and later files a lawsuit against the officer by claiming that the rough treatment and resulting injury violated his Eighth Amendment right against cruel and unusual punishment.

Question: Were his Eight Amendment rights violated? Why? As a judge how would you rule? Explain.


Situation Two

A prison chapel is used every Sunday for Christian services. A small group of prisoners reserve the chapel for each Tuesday evening where they meet to study an ancient religion from Asia that they claim to follow. For two years, they use the chapel every Tuesday to meditate and discuss books about their religion, and they do not cause any trouble. Then, one year, Christmas falls on a Wednesday, and the Asian religion group is told that they cannot have their meeting because the chapel is needed for a Christian Christmas eve service. They file a lawsuit claiming that their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion is being violated because they cannot use the chapel on Christmas Eve.

Question: Are their right being violated? Why? As a judge how would you rule? Explain.

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