Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. MCJ 522 Excelsior College Wk 7 The Pillars of Criminal Justice Discussion

Part I: Initial Post (Due Week 7)

“45% of DNA cases involved the misapplication of forensic science.”
~ Innocence Project


Arizona State University faculty and students are at the leading edge of using DNA forensics: How Criminal Justice is Evolving with DNA. (Links to an external site.)

Typically, criminal history records are used to identify repeat sexual offenders, but biological evidence in sexual assault kits provides another way to study how often reported sexual offenders to commit additional sexual assaults by linking DNA across multiple cases to the same perpetrator: Connecting the Dots: Identifying Suspected Serial Sexual Offenders Through Forensic DNA Evidence. (Links to an external site.)

The Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University discusses DNA and police investigations: DNA for Police Investigations. (Links to an external site.)

A review of erroneous convictions that involved forensic science can help identify critical lessons for forensic scientists as they perform testing, interpret results, render conclusions, and testify in court: Wrongful Convictions and DNA Exonerations: Understanding the Role of Forensic Science. (Links to an external site.)

View the following videos and then locate an example of a criminal case (local, state, or federal) where DNA was used to either convict or exonerate a person, accused of a crime.

Why We Can’t Always Trust DNA Evidence
Closed Captioned
Time: 0:4:36

How DNA Solved Green River Killer Case
Closed Captioned
Time: 0:4:13

Once you have located an example of a criminal case where DNA was the main evidence leading to the conviction or exoneration of the defendant, share a link to your case and address the questions below. After you have posted about your case, be sure to review at least (2) of your classmate’s cases and provide an analysis of the cases using the material provided in the videos and readings and other academic material related to this topic.

  1. Provide a summary of the case to your classmates – include what the person was accused of, what city/state the crime allegedly occurred in, what forensic issue was used in court, and what the final determination was (guilty or innocent).
  2. Discuss how big a part forensics/DNA played in the guilty verdict or acquittal.
  3. Was there a forensic expert witness? If so, was the individual’s testimony convincing?

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