Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Policy Question

What contemporary legal issue concerning women would you most want to bring before the Supreme Court of your state, your country, or the United Nations?

———— I was thinking gender pay gap

You will write about an issue and argue it “before the courts” for your final project in this course. I will be the judge, jury, justices, etc, but your audience is any of the aforementioned. Papers will be a literature review of existing research that argue for specific legal and social change concerning an issue or your own choosing. Through this assignment, students must accomplish the following:

1) Establish the issue at hand

  • What is the legal topic you will be discussing?
  • What background information should the courts be aware of?
  • Be brief about history, but if it’s important, include it!

2) Make an argument

  • What kind of change will you be arguing for? Why?
  • Who will this affect the most? Why is this important?
  • What are the reasons and motivations behind your argument? Strong and bold claims make big waves.
  • This is your “thesis” — something strong that ties all of your project together.

3) Suggest change, make recommendations or declarations

  • What changes to the law(s) do you propose?
  • Which laws should be changed and how?
  • Perhaps you are arguing to keep a certain law or legal standing as is?
  • Who will carry out these changes and how?
  • Think through logistics and be SPECIFIC
  • Writing criterion:

  • 2000 words minimum (about 8 pages), excluding headings, page numbers, citations
  • 1-inch margins, 12-pt. font, Times or Times New Roman
  • You must have at least 10 total academic, peer-reviewed scholarly references in your final project
  • You also need to have at least 3 news/pop-culture references in your final project
  • Papers must be submitted to Canvas as .doc or .docx formats
  • Formal citations list and in-text citations required for all projects (APA, ASA or Chicago Style citations)

Law Homework Help

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