Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Write a paper 10-12 pages

Final Paper: Students will write a final term paper (10-12 pages) using course material, and outside material assessing a legislative issue or position, presenting changes to the statute or law that will accomplish the intended resolution sought, and a compelling rationale for the change.

Students will be presented with a myriad of primary and secondary sources on lobbying, issue identification, and persuasive presentation of information. The Final Paper must include: A historical background on the policy subject from your perspective with an understanding of the lobbying efforts that have been used to shape the policy subject to date, and a stakeholder analysis that includes the likely supporters and opponents and an assessment of each stakeholders’ ability to influence the process. (Quotes for primary sources are appropriate.)

Students will learn how to evaluate and rate the legitimacy of sources as well as how to organize sources to best accomplish the intended goal.

You should choose a bill from this website and write about it :

Law Homework Help

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