Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. why the use of social media harms or benefits the country, English homework help

You will write an essay explaining three reasons why the use of social media harms or benefits the country. Your three points can be restricted to three harms, or restricted to three benefits. Approaches will vary. Just stay on the topic; follow your thesis statement; and supply LOTS of examples to prove your point.

To prepare for Monday, complete a planning page, draw a cluster of ideas, and sketch a topic outline. BRING ALL THREE OF THESE COMPLETED PRE-WRITING SHEETS WITH YOU ON MONDAY. You will write your rough draft and final copy in the exam room on essay paper that I will supply when you arrive on Monday.

I do not need to approve your points before you write your thesis statement. DO NOT E-MAIL OR TEXT ME. I have given you all of the information that you need to write an excellent essay. Work independently. Work confidently. Work expeditiously.

i upload the files you need for outline do every thing on planning page . i need page and have

Humanities Homework Help

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