Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. essay timed

Hey guys:) i have an essay timed based on book called Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed.…

so in order to do that you have to have some knowledge about the book. and the teacher provided this review :

Make sure that you’ve read the entire Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed.

Think about which of her responses you would be most interested in writing about.

  • Mark the ones you think would lend themselves to writing quickly.
  • Choose ones that you aren’t including as examples in Essay 4. i will provide it below

Consider your answers to the following questions about Strayed’s responses that you have identified:

  • What type of claim does Strayed use in these responses? Why?
  • What kinds of evidence does Strayed use in these responses? Why?
  • How does Strayed use the traditional appeals of logos, pathos, and ethos in these responses?
  • What assumptions underlie these responses?
  • How does her use of concrete and/or abstract language affect her responses?
  • How does her use of language with positive and/or negative connotations affect her responses?
  • What kinds of choices does she make that help to make her responses successful or unsuccessful?

so what i want is revew these stuff and then i will give you the prompt for the essay and then it must be done no longer than hour becuase the website close automaticlly . Thanks

Humanities Homework Help

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