Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Paper on Reagan’s war on drugs, harm reduction act and opioid epidemic

I need the attatchments below turned into a cohesive paper. It needs to be 10-12 pages long. You are to write a paper on a controversial topic with the field. The paper should be 10-12 pages and should describe the issue, present the arguments on either side of the issue and end with your stance on the issue along with the arguments in support of your stance. You can select any controversial issue that is of interest to you, but some examples are: a) Is addiction a disease? b) Can activities without chemicals be diseases (e.g., activity addictions)? c) Is there such a thing as Sex Addiction? or d) Is harm reduction an acceptable approach? There also need to be some additional citations in the paper.

The addictions paper document is the beginning of the paper which I have authored. The harm reduction file is several pages of research with citations.

Humanities Homework Help

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