Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. I’m working on a theater question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

ou will be responding to the recorded live production of Hamilton.


2. First you will watch the production that is offered

3. Once you have finished watching the production, you will complete the Hamilton Response Worksheet.docx.


4. after you finish the worksheet. I need you to finish this discussion for me on a separate paper. watched Hamilton, we are going to know respond to the acting choices in production. You are going to create a thread where you list out 5 moments in the play that you thought an acting moment was effective or ineffective. In addition, that you are going to explain why for each moment.

After posting your 5 moments, you will need to respond to someone else’s post that about a moment that you feel differently about and explain your reasoning.

This is intended to create discussion about different people’s experience of the same production.

Humanities Homework Help

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