Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. In a 2-4 page double-spaced document in APA format, respond to the following questions below

In this course, you will be completing several cases. Cases offer opportunities to observe a classroom situation based on actual events. If you think about the cases and connect them to what you have read, it will be easier to understand how principles and theories from educational psychology and child and adolescent development apply to students in real-world settings. As you read the case, pay particular attention to the “who, what, where, and when” it contains. These elements are important as you try to understand the reasons behind the events.


As you read the case from your perspective or role (teacher, counselor, supervisor, principal, etc.), take notes that document:

Who are the primary participants – Who is involved?

Describe the behaviors/thoughts of the participants – What is taking place?

Where is the action? Where is the case taking place? Does the environment play a role?

What is the context of the behavior occurrence? (When is this happening? Is time/place a factor?)

As you take notes, jot down connections to things you know or have learned.

Answer the following:

Answer the questions posed. They will ask you to:

ASSESS: your existing knowledge and apply what you have learned.

REFLECT AND EVALUATE: check your answer for reasonableness. Make sure you articulate important concepts and terminology.

It is okay to state your beliefs when you answer cases, but as a professional, your beliefs alone will not get you very far. The best answers to cases contain backing or evidence. (THINK: If someone disagreed with my point of view what would I say? What data could I supply to show my ideas are best?) Good case analysis contain data/information from the readings you have done or from reputable outside sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journals, professional organizations). Good answers show that you know sound facts, can articulate your ideas, and that you have the ability to connect theory to practice.

Use the text link to open and read Case Study – Pinch attached to dropped file below. As you read,take notes that document:

  • Who are the primary participants (Who is involved?)
  • Describe the behaviors/thoughts of the participants (What is taking place?)
  • Where the action is (Where is the case taking place? Does the environment play a role?
  • What is the context of the behavior occurrence (When is this happening? Is time/place a factor?)

In a 2-4 page double-spaced document in APA format, respond to the following questions:

  • Based on lesson readings/viewings, why do you think the initial attempts to stop Regan from pinching were unsuccessful? Why didn’t the verbal reprimands of Rana and Amber deter Regan from pinching her peers?
  • Why was the sticker reinforcement at the end of the day ineffective in decreasing Reagan’s inappropriate pinching? What could have been done differently to increase the effectiveness of the sticker strategy?
  • It may be difficult for Rana and Amber to continue to provide Reagan with so much praise for keeping her hands to herself. How might they change this strategy every time? If you were Reagan’s teacher, what behavioral techniques would you use?
  • What techniques for increasing appropriate behaviors are best to use in preschool classrooms?
  • What techniques for decreasing inappropriate behaviors are best to use in preschool classrooms?

Humanities Homework Help

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