Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Both the Norse and Greek cultures were very concerned with ideals of honor and glory. Considering myths of death and afterlife in these mythologies, analyze ONE culture (EITHER Greek or Norse) to show how these may have molded human behaviors and beliefs

Overview and Requirements

In week 9, you will develop the research argument analysis project to which you were introduced in Module 5. This can be EITHER a 15-20 slide Powerpoint OR a 6-7 page paper. The guidelines are the same for both (except for the use of images in the pp).

By this time, you should have selected a topic and you should also have a clear idea about how you want to develop it. This overview reiterates some of the guidelines from Module 5. However, I suggest that you read these carefully.

This paper/presentation will explore mythology from the perspective of a sociological theme. It will also examine the theme analytically to explain how it is impacted by the elements of myth, such as man and divine relationships, myth-related ritual practices, symbols of myth, etc.

General Guidelines:

  • Formulate an argument THESIS STATEMENT for your topic. (TIP: the key argument and main ideas may be apparent in the topic itself). Then, using the argument structure of process analysis, develop the argument. See below tips about how to develop an effective argument thesis (NOTE: Your essay MUST have a clear argument thesis statement).
  • To examine the main ideas, you will use myth–both as basis of the argument and also as supporting evidence. In other words, depending on your topic, the key argument may be about a myth, and the main ideas for this topic can be supported by additional evidence from other myths.
  • You must also use other scholarly and critical sources as evidence and support of the main ideas. In total, you are required to use at least six-seven sources, and at least four of these need to be scholars’ views.
  • You can also use the Canvas documents and your textbook as scholarly sources. Remember to cite accordingly.

Thus, your paper/Pp must include:

  1. In-depth and substantial exploration of the selected topic
  2. Myths and examples from myths. (TIP: In the paper, provide a brief (50-100 word) summary of the myths you examine. Make sure this is well-integrated in the paper)
  3. Interpretations of the myths, as they pertain to the main ideas and central argument. (Do not simply look at the surface) (Know the difference between summary and analysis)
  4. Clear evidence of your knowledge of symbology and the myth onion.
  5. Research that includes additional myths and scholar’s views.
  6. Accurate documentation—both parenthetical and works cited (MLA)

    NOTE 1: This paper requires you to make connections with what you have learned and to take your learning beyond the classroom into both research and praxes. So, you will do research about the subject and analyze how it relates to real life. Therefore, you must keep in mind the myth onion and man and divine relationships as a basis of your analysis, and also use these to interpret the myths and to develop the main ideas.

    NOTE 2: For all these topics, you must give examples from specific myths and use their interpretations to support the ideas. You must also support the ideas with other related studies and scholarship. Aside from the myths you have studied in this course, you must consider other related myths, which you will research. In other words, you cannot limit your analysis to just the myths we have studied in class. Your paper must demonstrate beyond the classroom learning.

    NOTE 3: You are required to do substantial research for this paper. Your research must be credible and scholarly (encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia are not considered scholarly. However, you can use them to find additional myths).

    Requirement of secondary sources/scholarly views in the paper
    :Your essay/presentation must have at least four secondary sources. (Secondary sources are sources that support your critical analysis, and/or add critical ideas to your thesis.

    NOTE 4: An image will be considered a secondary source, ONLY if it furthers the analysis and its analysis is incorporated in the point you are making. You must use credible sources for images and integrate the image in the analysis. Try to analyze the image (explain how it fits into your argument). You must cite ALL images– both as in-text and in the works cited, regardless of whether you include it in the analysis or not.

    NOTE 5: This paper will be in MLA format. Therefore, not only must it be in MLA manuscript style but also it must have accurate in-text citations and a Works Cited.

    NOTE 6: Below, I have included suggestions for how a college essay must be structured and organized. I have also included tips on how to do research, and how to develop an outline (which I recommend).

Humanities Homework Help

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