Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Mini-Essay (humanities), sociology homework help

A short mini-essay (approx. 500 words) based on course readings provided.  Within the mini-essay incorporate aspects from the concepts in the course that is provided for you. Keep in mind that the point of this essay is to synthesize materials from the course. 

Citation: Be sure to cite relevant readings, and when you paraphrase or directly quote from a course reading, give a citation. You may, but need not, cite outside sources beyond the assigned materials. 

*clearly label the mini essay file like this: YourName_MiniEssay1.doc
*I have attached a sample assignment like this from previous versions of this course.

Please be as comprehensive as possible in writing and editing of your work before handing it into me because I need to be receiving an A on the assignment 🙂

Course Content
From digital Divides to Tech for Social Inclusion:

Warschauer, The Digital Divide and Social Inclusion

Crawford, The New Digital Divide

Badger, How the Internet Reinforces Inequality in the Real World

Plunkett, The Digital Divide in Canada

-Also use the attached word.docx handout

Humanities Homework Help

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