Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. To what degree could it be argued that Americans were guilty of war crimes during WWII?, History essay and notes editing help

You need to be willing to read a 6 page essay and about a 10 page notes manuscript. You also need to look up and find the 6 sources i provided to refer to them and confirm that they are accurate. You also need to be willing to do the following (Please review everything before accepting this, thanks):

I need help editing my notes manuscript and my final essay for history. I need a tutor that is pretty educated on Richard Nixon and is able to correct any factual mistakes i might have made.

I need it in present tense, obviously, there are exceptions to where it cannot be in present tense.

I need it to be in the 3rd person, and it needs to be formed like an argument. (No “I believe this”, “We believe that”, etc.). Also no references to the manuscript should be made directly. Obviously I can refer to the sources like i did, but if I accidentally said: “the manuscript said…”. thats wrong.

I also need it to match my style of writing. That is a very big deal. I will attach sample essays i have done in the past.

I need my grammar to be edited and I need it to be thoroughly checked for plagiarism.

I need it to be formed like a high school junior wrote this. I wrote this very quickly and I wrote it kinda poorly.

I need any mla formatting issues to be fixed.

I am also uploading the instructions of the assignment because I need the essay to be checked if it followed all the instructions of if i made a mistake because I go on tangents sometimes.

Humanities Homework Help

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