Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Research papper revision

the paper is almost fully completed (including research articles and links). However it is missing some key parts. Attached is a guideline, and a “skeleton” which includes everything that the paper needs to have. Please pay very close attention the the paper requirements

– Requirements for paper

– 7+pages (this means 7+pages of text, not 7pages total

– Double spaced 12-point Calibri (or other similar font)

– 1-inch margins on all sides

AT LEAST 7 primary, scientific references (from peer-reviewed journals)

– Found using Research Port or Google Scholar

– Published between 2009-2020(I’d prefer if you stay away from sources that were published prior to 2008)

Google (with the exception of Google Scholar)
Newspapers (Baltimore Sun, etc)
Popular Magazines (Psychology Today, Time, etc)
Websites made for the general public (NIH, WebMD, emedicine)

APA Writing Style – must use 7thedition – refer to Purdue OWL APA for help with the 7th edition

– APA Style Title page


– Proper in-text citations and references page

– Other APA Writing Style rules are followed (e.g., avoid personal pronouns, proper use of abbreviations, proper formatting of headings, avoid use of contractions, etc.)

What your paper should be:

– An introduction to your topic with a clearly stated thesis statement,

– A summary of the published research on the topic you choose, which….

– ..leads to an idea for a future research study, complete with a purpose, research question, hypothesis for the study,
– and a “Conclusion” where you wrap up loose ends.

– use primary research articles

– Do not use literature reviews

Please do not solely focus on the sole on the “effects of aging on memory capacity” portion but also give credence to the the executive functioning side as well.

Ive also attached a sample of how the paper is supposed to be set up, and well as included an example of how the paper is to look as well as a guideline.

Humanities Homework Help

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