Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SOCY5210W Colorado Pet Ownership And General Organization Of Lifestyle

I am interested in researching, How does class shape decisions about pet ownership within NYC, and the organization of there life caring for a pet. Q: How does race and work schedule, shape white and Hispanic working adults decision making about pet ownership and the organization of their work lives around caring for a pet.

This is what i am interested in researching and I only need to do the literature review, which is only reviewing academic journals i plan on using for my research. Basically it’s seeing what these authors have to say , and see what they are mainly trying to say . Also compare what these authors are saying . 7 academic journals or more are required to be used in this literature review.

I have attached 2 documents . One is the instructions to follow for this assignment.

The second document is a list of academic articles that you would have access to online. Out of that list you can pic 7. Do not use any outside articles please! If you need and help getting access to articles please let me know.

4-6 page Literature review , double space. Asa style

Humanities Homework Help

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