Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CHILD 14 Barstow CC Someone Who Thinks They Want to Be a Teacher Question

1-After reading chapter 10, how would you explain what inclusion is and why it is good for children and families to the following:

  • Someone who thinks they want to be a teacher but doesn’t believe they can handle teaching in an inclusive classroom.
  • The family of a child with special needs.
  • The family of a child that is having a hard time with changes in the classroom after a child that has a special need joined the class.
Did your explanations differ from one of your colleagues in class? Why or why not?

2-After reading chapter 9, what experience with or knowledge do you have about policies that specific early education and care program and schools have on head lice? Are (or were) those policies “no nits” or in line with the recommendations above?

3-There are many activities that we can do in the classroom to demonstrate health care with children.

Consider the following situations. Should each child be excluded from care or not? If so, why and when should the child return? If not, what should the teacher/caregiver do? Please be sure to answer each question.

  1. Mario’s dad drops him off and let’s Ms. Michelle know that he is a little under the weather. He is not running a fever, but has a mild cough and a runny nose. But he ate a good breakfast and has a pretty typical level of energy.
  2. About an hour into the day, Li vomits. Mr. Abraham checks and she has a fever of 101.3°. She looks a little pale and just wants to lay down. As he goes to call Li’s family, she vomits again.
  3. When Latanya goes to change Daniel’s diaper she notices a rash on his stomach. She checks his temperature and he is not running a fever. He is not scratching at it or seemingly in any discomfort. She remembers that he has a history of eczema and contact dermatitis.
  4. Apurva wakes up from naptime with discharge coming from a slightly swollen and bloodshot right eye. She tells Ms. Maria that her eye hurts and is “kind of itchy.”
  5. Now, come up with your own examples of a child that should be excluded from care and that should not automatically be excluded.

This assignment supports student learning objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Please mention the sources in each article

Humanities Homework Help

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