Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PI Linking Night Discomfort to Musculoskeletal Diseases Analysis

I’m working on a American Studies exercise and need support.

1.According to the article, what musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal conditions can night pain be related to?

2.The authors referenced a study by Henschke et al using common red flag questions to screen patients with low back pain in their editorial piece. What do the authors of this editorial article believe the results of Henschke’s study suggests about using red flag questions? Explain their reasoning.

3.According to the authors, what is Underwood’s recommendation regarding the use of red flag questions? Furthermore, what are the possible healthcare cost effects of the use of red flag screening?

4.According to the authors, and based on Underwood’s referenced work, what are some additional evidence-based screening strategies that can be used to rule out cancer causing back pain?

5.Despite the work by Henschke et all & Underwood, the authors of this article still believe the physical therapist has a responsibility to continue to screen patients for red flags. In your own words, what are the THREE primary reasons the authors discussed for this belief?

6.According to the authors, what specific information is KEY for a physical therapist (or physical therapist assistant) to identify if a patient potentially has a more serious disorder than that which is being treated? 

  • In your own words, what exactly is a RED FLAG? In your opinion, are the use of red flag screening questions or tools useful in the physical therapy setting? Why or why not? 

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