Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Ancient Art Discussion

I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.

1. ISIS may have been vanquished on the battlefield and driven from power (though murderous regional affiliates like Isis-K remain as, tragically, we’ve just seen). Nonetheless, the following news article is sadly one of many to detail the malicious and atavistic campaign ISIS conducted against ancient sites and museums collections in the Middle East: Mosul, Nimrud, Ninevah, Palmyra. The Taliban did the same thing to the Banyan Buddhas in Afghanistan when in power the first time and one could make a parallel claim against the United States for damage (unintentional, I’m sure) done to Baghdad and the Babylon site during the Iraq invasion and occupation — in particular the capital’s celebrated museum, tragically abandoned to looters during the Fall of Baghdad in 2003. Read the Kareem Shaheen article and then discuss the value of ancient art as humanity’s collective cultural heritage, and museums as storehouses of such culture. (200 words)

2. Read the article and comment on the topic (50 words)…

Humanities Homework Help

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