Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Psychology Questions

I’m studying for my Psychology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Please provide answer only, no need of explanation:

Question 1: Psychology is the study of

a.) mental illness

b.) the brain

c.) behavior and mental processes

d.) observable behavior in humans and animals

Question 2: John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and BF Skinner would have agreed that psychology is the study of:

a.) behavior

b.) the mind

c.) conscious experience

d.) mental processes

Question 3: Psychologists are referred to as scientists because:

a.) they work with complicated computers

b.) they rely upon sophisticated brain-imaging machines

c.) they base their work on scientific attitudes and procedures

d.) psychology is related to human biology which is an important part of science

Question 4: True or false: Humans use only 10 percent of their brains

a.) false, because humans use 50% of their brains at any given time

b.) false – humans use all of their brains

c.) True

d.) No one yet knows the answer to this question

Question 5: Random sampling of a population is most likely to

a.) produce a representative sample

b.) give the researcher a very large sample

c.) increase the likelihood of finding significant differences between two different groups

d.) increase the chances of the study being published

Question 6: “If an athlete imagines having a good performance, then that athlete is more likely to be successful in an event.” This statement is a description of

a.) Determinism

b.) a hypothesis

c.) a theory

d.) a correlation

Question 7: A psychologist intends to measure creativity in children as part of a research study. However, you think his instrument is actually how smart children are, rather than how creative they are. In other words, you think the researcher’s tests are not

a.) valid

b.) predictive

c.) reliable

d.) ethical

Question 8: Ideally, in an experiment situation, the independent variable:

a.) is a placebo

b.) cannot be measured

c.) is held constant

d.) is manipulated

Question 9: One purpose of the ______________ is to speed up the conduction of neural impulses.

a.) dendrites

b.) axon terminal

c.) myelin sheath

d.) synaptic vesicle

Question 10: Which of the following neurotransmitters seems to play a major role in motivation, sleep, appetite, and mood?

a.) serotonin

b.) dopamine

c.) acetylcholine

d.) norepinephrine

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