Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ART 102 NLU Perceiving Style in Objects of Everyday Life Discussion

I’m studying for my Art class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Look around you in your home, on your commute, or in your workplace. Various forms of artistic expression surround you whether it’s in the designed objects that we use everyday, from our toothbrushes to our coffee makers, to the objects and images we frame and hang on our walls. Select one of these of interest to you, photograph it, and share it with the class. Try to avoid selecting something perceived as “art” and find something you might easily overlook.  In your opinion, how would you describe this object’s style?  For example, is it visually simple (basic lines and few or no colors) or wildly complicated and ornamented?  Is it realistic, abstract, or neither?  Why do you think you are attracted to this style? Is it like any of the artists’ works introduced in this week’s readings? In what ways?…to select an artist. I chose Georgia O’Keeffe Petuania No.2.

Humanities Homework Help

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