Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Answer each question a page per question only 3 questions.

1. List and explain the main factors that contributed to the Great Depression. Why has the stock market crash been described as the “trigger” to the Depression? Why do you think it happened?

2. Explain the Bonus Expeditionary Force and the Republican response against them. Why did the Democrats select Franklin D. Roosevelt to run against Hoover?

3. Who were the conservatives and liberals who opposed the New Deal? What was the basis for their opposition?

Write a MINIMUM three-page document, double-spaced, 12 font, with detailed information in a Windows Word document or PDF file. Cite Your sources after each question. (Brinkley, page numbers), (recorded lectures), etc. Attach the document to the “submit assignment drop box. Thanks.

Humanities Homework Help

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