History Homework Help

Learning Objectives & Instructions:1) Read all of the articles in the Readings folder.2) Think about the types of assumptions that people (or secular governments) make when they generalize about other

Learning Objectives & Instructions:1) Read all of the articles in the Readings folder.2) Think about the types of assumptions that people (or secular governments) make when they generalize about others or when they normalize their own religious values and experiences as being perfectly natural, acceptable, and widespread.3) Try to see how the broaderdiscussions in the academic articles (in weeks 1, 2, &3) relate particularly to Indigenous Religions,Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in ways beyond those that are mentioned in the Media. (You will need to be able to provide footnotes with citations to the scholarly articles in accordance with Chicago Manuel of Style for your writing assignment.)4) Proceed to the writing assignment in the Writing folder, and complete it by the Due Date.Below is the attachment with the directions and what the discussion need to include. The res I g the pages is chapters 2,7, and 8 pleas read those articles to help you write discussion.

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