History Homework Help

Students must submit TWO of of these identification terms in paragraph form through the Assignments Tab if Canvas by the deadline specified in the Syllabus and in Assignments. They are each worth ten

Students must submit TWO of of these identification terms in paragraph form through the Assignments Tab if Canvas by the deadline specified in the Syllabus and in Assignments. They are each worth ten points. Be sure to cite properly, as per the MLA Format every time that any information is directly copied (and quotation marks are needed), paraphrased (writing someone else’s ideas in your own words) or for any facts that are not common knowledge (like “the sky is blue”). Be sure to provide a works cited section with a bibliographic citation of each source used; Be sure to include the Date Accessed is the date that YOU previewed a particular website or watched a Youtube video because website/video content can change. As per the syllabus, students must use a minimum of two sources, that are to be cited in the body of the paragraph as well as the works cited section for that identification term to be counted for a grade. For more information, please consult the “Weekly Assignments” section of the syllabus.

Please note that the textbook is an acceptable source for all of the identification terms:

David Shi, America: A Narrative History, Volume 1, Eleventh Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2019.

Identification Terms For Chapter 1:

1) Moundbuilders

Be sure to identify who they were, when and where they lived, their class and social structure, aspects of their art and architecture, and the collapse of their culture.

No Author or Date Listed, “The Moundbuilders.” https://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/mounds/builders.htm Date Accessed:

Seppa, Nathan, “Ancient Cahokia.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/march/12/cahokia.htm March 12, 1997. Date Accessed:

WTVP, “Illinois Adventures #1308. March 8, 2014. “Cahokia Mounds.”” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt-u9FBBnhc Date Accessed:

2) Sir Walter Raleigh

Be sure to write a brief biography of his life, focusing on his efforts to explore and colonize North America, as well as his relationship with Queen Elizabeth I.

History.com Editors, “Sir Walter Raleigh.” October 28, 2019. https://www.history.com/topics/exploration/walter-raleigh Date Accessed:

No Author Listed: “Walter Raleigh.” October 22, 2019. https://www.biography.com/explorer/walter-raleigh Date Accessed:

Terry Kaldusdal, “Sir Walter Raleigh.” February 22, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpFOLFoMZkY Date Accessed:

Identification Terms For Chapter 2:

1) King Philip’s War

Be sure to write about the causes, the major events, and consequences of this war.

Brooks, Rebecca Beatrice, “History of King Philip’s War.” May 31, 2017. https://historyofmassachusetts.org/what-was-king-philips-war/ Date Accessed:

History.com Editors, “King Philip’s War.” November 13, 2019. https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/king-philips-war Date Accessed:

Antun-Shei Films, “The Sudberry Fight 1676: A Decisive Native American Victory in King Philip’s War,” January 19, 2019.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJfGNboAyrA Date Accessed:

2) Middle Passage:

BBC, 2020. “The Triangular Trade-Slave Factories on the Atlantic Coast.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zqv7hyc/revision/7 Date Accessed:

BBC, 2020. “The Triangular Trade-The Middle Passage.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zqv7hyc/revision/8 Date Accessed:

BBC, 2020. “The Triangular Trade-The Zong 1781-1783.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zqv7hyc/revision/9 Date Accessed:

History, “Life Aboard a Slave Ship.” February 7, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmQvofAiZGA Date Accessed:

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