History Homework Help

In Session 5, you will need to submit a summary and response paper based on your selection of a biography. For this assignment, you will summarize and highlight major points and insights presented in

In Session 5, you will need to submit a summary and response paper based on your selection of a biography. For this assignment, you will summarize and highlight major points and insights presented in

Session 5 FinalAt this point, you should have finished reading the biography you have selected. For your final assignment, you will submit a summary and response paper on this reading. Summarize and highlight major points and insights presented in the book as a whole, as well as assess the significance of such insights for today. This paper should be clearly divided and organized into two distinct sections:Section One:

  • Summarizing the major themes/points that the author is making about the subject. (three to four pages)

Section Two:

  • Responding to reading and noting any significant connections that the individual has to either past or present events in Church history. (one to two pages)

No other sources are required for this paper; however, you should demonstrate a thoughtful interaction with your selected biography. Your paper should be approximately four to six pages in length and writing in APA style, with an introduction, conclusion, and three to four pages of summary and one to two pages of response.

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