History Homework Help

For this assignment you will write a draft introduction paragraph and thesis statement based on a specific question prompt. This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your kn

For this assignment you will write a draft introduction paragraph and thesis statement based on a specific question prompt. This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of creating an effective introduction and argument, and then receive direct feedback from me on ways to further strengthen your argumentative and writing skills.

Your draft introduction should consist of 4-6 complete sentences. The text should be double-spaced with 1” margins on all sides, and be written in 12-point, Times New Roman font. The paragraph should not exceed 1 page in length. Finally, please make sure to end your introduction with a clear, concise, and arguable thesis statement.

Some questions to keep in mind before submitting your introduction and thesis statement:

  • Does the thesis statement appear to have one single argument?
  • Does the thesis statement appear to have two or more points? (because it should not)
  • Does the introduction funnel into the thesis statement? (i.e. does the thesis relate to the discussion preceding it?)
  • Does the introduction consist of 4-6 complete sentences?
  • Have you proofread and edited your draft introduction? (i.e. are there spelling, grammatical, formatting, and/or punctuation errors present?)


How did black Americans encounter liberty and civil rights in the second half of the 19th century? Did they receive the full rights of U.S. citizenship enjoyed by many white Americans at the time, or did black Americans experience unequal treatment and repression in society (particularly in the southern U.S.)?

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