Health & Medical Homework Help

Concept Map This assignment is designed to extend the learner’s use of concept mapping as a tool for clinical care planning. The nursing process continues to provide the foundation for organizing info

Concept Map

This assignment is designed to extend the learner’s use of concept mapping as a tool for clinical care planning. The nursing process continues to provide the foundation for organizing information and thought, whereas the mapping becomes the process for intentional critical thinking and clinical reasoning.

Please read and utilize the attached to complete this assignment. Please attach a new slide or use the continuation page for more room as necessary on the PowerPoint. Please use in-text citation within each box or slide as appropriate. 

NO PLAGIARISM. Format is APA 7th Edition and citations with at least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the sources already listed.  

Due: 10/18/20 at 8PM, Eastern standard time.

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