Health & Medical Homework Help

• Must select a nursing theorist, identify the theory, mission, vision, and purpose from the selected theorist. • 3 to 5 pages not including the title page and the reference page. ·Provide the primary

• Must select a nursing theorist, identify the theory, mission, vision, and purpose from the selected theorist.

• 3 to 5 pages not including the title page and the reference page.

·Provide the primary purpose of your selected theory in the profession of nursing.

·Relate how can your chosen nursing theory help to improve practice and positively influence the health and quality of life in patients.

• Minimum of two referencesin APA format. If additional articles chosen, they must have been published within last 3-5 years.

·This paper will be submitted via Turnitin link in Moodleroom student platform no later than the due date.

For 06/12/2020.

The Theorist is: Kant’s Philosophy of Science.

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