Health & Medical Homework Help

Discussion Question 5 Considering the various learning styles and education levels of your selected community, explain your selection of teaching materials. How do they cater to or possibly impede the

Discussion Question 5

Considering the various learning styles and education levels of your selected community, explain your selection of teaching materials. How do they cater to or possibly impede the audience’s receptivity to the shared health education information?

Your initial posting should be 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.

MODULE 5: Assignment: Create an infographic teaching tool for the community educational project. Note that acronyms such as LGBT, RN, DM, etc. are not permitted in titles and headings of assignments unless spelled out.

Learning Materials

  • Clark, M. J. (2015). Population and community health nursing (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Chapter 11
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