Health & Medical Homework Help

Change Proposal Topic: Re-implementation of Bedside Shift Report Submit Section I – VII of your change proposal, Your rough draft should be in APA format for instructor review and feedback. Parts I –

Change Proposal Topic: Re-implementation of Bedside Shift Report

Submit Section I – VII of your change proposal, Your rough draft should be in APA format for instructor review and feedback.

Parts I – IV is completed in the paper attached below called rough draft. Please now include parts V – VII to the paper. For instructions of parts V – VII please look at the Capstone guidelines and rubric attached below for what is needed to be done. We made an outline for parts VI – VII which is attached below that can be edited and added to the rest of the rough draft. Part V hasn’t been done yet and also needs to be added. Please be thorough and provide evidence based facts.

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