Health & Medical Homework Help

Read about the family listed below and prepare a grocery list based on the meals the family plans to make. Perform online research and gather data on recipes and the cost of grocery store items. Look

Read about the family listed below and prepare a grocery list based on the meals the family plans to make. Perform online research and gather data on recipes and the cost of grocery store items. Look at the foods and compare prices. Calculate the cost of food based on the grocery list. Do not go over budget. You will need to show the prices of each item found. 

The family includes a mother, father, 11-year-old daughter, and a 7-year-old son. The weekly grocery budget is $100.00.The family plans to make spaghetti with ground meat, tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, and pancakes with fresh fruit, and to buy the necessary ingredients for these foods in large enough amounts to use them in other meals as well.

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