Health & Medical Homework Help

Answer questions Nutrition and metabolic pattern, activity and exercise pattern, sleep and rest pattern, role and relationship pattern, sexuality, and reproductive pattern. Write about what you just d

Answer questions

Nutrition and metabolic pattern, activity and exercise pattern, sleep and rest pattern, role and relationship pattern, sexuality, and reproductive pattern. Write about what you just did and how you thought about each of pattern. Each Gordon’s Patterns set shall be a paragraph. Tell me about all the thinking you did to develop the associated nursing diagnoses for that data cluster set. Then, move on to the next data cluster and make that a new paragraph. Do not assume your instructor knows anything about your thought process, because they do not. Show your instructor how you are thinking! How to begin…………….

On a separate page: Include ALL of the questions with the Answers of the questions:

1. In separate paragraphs, explain the data clusters and which Gordon’s pattern is represented by each data cluster. Which Gordon’s patterns are Functional or Dysfunctional? (Take each of the data clusters and discuss how they helped you.)

2. Using Gordon’s as a guide, explain which nursing diagnoses are identified for this client? (Separate each Gordon’s pattern into a paragraph).

3. List the identified nursing diagnoses in priority order the:

“Problem” Related to “_____ “Evidenced by “____” format.

1. Which nursing diagnosis is most important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined.

2. Which nursing diagnosis is second most important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined.

3. Which nursing diagnosis is least important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined.

4. Describe the evaluation of the client for each nursing diagnosis?

References (all in APA format)

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