Health & Medical Homework Help

Unit VIII Essay Instructions Special Populations There are various considerations that must be taken into account when initiating drug therapies in a geriatric, pediatric, or pregnant patient. In a we

Unit VIII Essay


Special Populations

There are various considerations that must be taken into account when initiating drug therapies in a geriatric, pediatric, or pregnant patient. In a well-developed essay, discuss pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics that apply when initiating one particular drug (your selection) in a geriatric, pediatric, or pregnant patient. Be sure to address information learned regarding the musculoskeletal and optic systems in your selected patient population.Include the following elements in your essay:

  • an introduction statement presenting your population choice and drug,
  • discussion of the population and pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics applicable to the selected drug,
  • considerations regarding the effects of these factors on the musculoskeletal and optic systems, and
  • a conclusion that includes a “take-home” statement of what you learned.

Your completed essay must be at least two pages in length. Include at least two outside resources, one of which may be your textbook, and one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

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