Health & Medical Homework Help

Part III-Recommendations, Policy Solutions, and Advocacy- 7-8 pages on its own without reference/work cited page How is this problem currently being addressed? Revisit content first considered in part

Part III-Recommendations, Policy Solutions, and Advocacy- 7-8 pages on its own without reference/work cited page

How is this problem currently being addressed? Revisit content first considered in parts 1 and 2 – the influence of personal responsibility and/or social, political and economic determinants of your selected topic and disparities/inequities – and write about solutions.

Based on your literature review, describe the policies, programs, interventions, and/or initiatives that are being proposed to solve this problem. What is being proposed to reduce the negative (or promote positive) health consequences of your topic. Describe the role of public health professionals in addressing your topic? What is the role of advocacy? How might public health and advocacy be combined to ensure policies, programs, interventions, and/or initiatives make positive progress?

***Use your literature review to identify solutions and recommendations***

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