Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. describe patient behaviors that support positive and negative dietary and other lifestyle choices…

Nutrient Assessment




The purpose of the Nutrient Assessment is to describe patient behaviors that support positive and negative dietary and other lifestyle choices through a thorough exploration of one’s personal assessment of dietary behaviors and beliefs. The student will identify positive and negative beliefs and behaviors that will increase awareness of and compassion for patient’s individual dietary behaviors and beliefs; thus increasing the student’s ability to identify motivating influences which may enable patients to make healthier food choices. (ESO: N1, C1, S, A2, N2)



Process: Review the rubric thoroughly before you begin the assignment.


Nutritional Analysis Tool



  • On the left hand side of the page, under Dietary Guidance, click the + sign and locate Interactive Tools. Once the interactive tools page appears, click on Calculators and Counters. Access the dietary reference index: DRI Calculator for Healthcare Professionals.
  • The DRI calculator tool will calculate daily nutrient recommendations based on the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) established by the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The data represents the most current scientific knowledge on nutrient needs; however, individual patient requirements may be higher or lower than DRI recommendations.
  • Enter your height, weight, age, and activity level to generate a report of BMI, estimated daily calorie needs, in addition to the recommended intakes of macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals based on DRI data.
  • Complete the following chart based on your information.

Health Medical Homework Help

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